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Site Plan

Here is an overview on how we planned the contents, layout and hierarchy of our website!

Design Plan

Here is an overview on how we planned the design, elements and theme of our website!

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About Us

Check out the awesome resources we used!

Get to know the creators behind DaliSci!

Empowerment Technologies

Reflections - After all the efforts and hard work to finish the project, here are our 

reflections and realizations for the semester. 

ICT Tasks

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Invitation Letters - using Google Sheets, Google Docs and an extension named Autocrat, we can make custom-made letters! Here's how it's done.

Invitation Posters - using Google Sheets, Google Slides and an extension named Autocrat, we can make custom-made posters! Here's how it's done.

Website Awareness Survey - we conduct survey research using Google forms, and then analyzed the data we received using Google Sheets! Here are the results...

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